Hi there! My name is Kristin. I am a wife and a homeschooling momma of 2 sweet little munchkins and 1 fur-baby.
I originally started this blog under the name The Fit and Fluffy Momma with health and fitness in mind. Over time, it has evolved into Hope for the Momma’s Heart. Because that is what I feel we all desperately need sometimes, a little extra hope. Whether it be in achieving a goal, overcoming obstacles, or just remembering who we were created to be.
So this little blog is a space where I share some of my thoughts on faith, mommyhood, fitness, and food allergy life. I share some of my struggles, because in sharing our struggles we can help each other realize we’re not alone. I share some things that help me, in case they might help someone else. And I share some things that are pressing on my heart, just because.
I would LOVE to hear some of your thoughts as well! Feel free to comment or message me anytime. Because regardless of where you’re at in your own journey, in mommyhood or anything else, I’d love to be able to cheer you on. God bless!
XOXO ~Kristin 🖤